Female Transformation Trail - Picos de Europa (ES)
In this mountain trail you step away from days filled with online meetings, busy agendas, constant noise and endless to-do's. A world where others dictate how your days are filled.
In this trail you will be outside.
Also outside of your comfort zone.
Grounding yourself Courageously.
Feeling Alive
This trail invites and challenge female leaders to a learning experience in nature.
Using nature as a vehicle for personal or team transformation.
"Be like an owl who can navigate in the dark. Be like the wolf, the leader of the pack who sets the course.
Be like the elephant, the matriarch, who leads the herd. Rise, deeply rooted and highly attuned to shine more brightly than you ever dared. Hold nothing back. Take your place" - Susan Smit.
This Autumn trail is especially for women who want to change or are in transition.
With themselves, or with their team.
Are you still on track?
Autumn invites you to release what no longer serves you and embrace a new direction with confidence. It’s a season to pause, reflect and move forward with purpose.
Days are shorter and misty morning between the trees reminds of nature's transformation. Mirroring yours. Outer changes and Inner transformation. All is connected. If you dare to go outside and let go.
Reinventing yourself in your mid-40s can be both exciting and terrifying.
So many changes. In all the aspects of your life.
This program provides the clarity, tools and confidence to strengthen
and connect with your authentic leadership from within.
Trusting again your own wisdom, question and challenge what is needed.
Drinking water from mountain streams, diving into the sea
and feeling your blood rushing through your veins.
This trail breathes change and renewal.
Immersing 100% in Nature
Hiking, Being, Sharing and Connecting. No tight schedule or program to follow and no phones, adapting to the rhythm of nature. Being and Feeling are taking over from rational thinking. Working with natural powerful elements like Cold, Breath, Fire and Silence are the natural boosters of the program.
Nothing beats the energy of nature when going through change. Breathing better, sleeping better, increased presence and as a natural result, improved outcomes. You will feel alive and firmly grounded connecting with yourself, the world around you and the wonderful other ladies on this trail.
We will share stories at the fire and create new ones together. Sleeping under the stars in an area where the wolves lives. You will feel alive as never before. And yes, things might get a bit uncomfortable, but that's where your grow journey start. You will be in safe hands with me and your facilitators.
You’ll return home with a renewed sense of purpose, a clear understanding of what truly matters and an actionable plan to start implementing immediately. All the learnings, experiences and lessons can be easily integrated into your daily life.
There will be an online kick off and closure to guarantee that you make changes you wanted to make. Many programs are filled with good intentions but lack follow-through and implementation. Not this one. Here, transformation meets action.
Do you join me?
You fly on the 1st of November to Asturias airport or Santander and you will be picked up. That's the moment you let go. Departure is on the 6th from afternoon onwards.
€2.345 all in. Exclusive. Travel to Spain, personal insurance.